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pic resize 2.0: crop, resize, blur

Pic Resize 2.0 has been released today. Pic Resize is another web based tool to help you munge your images

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The business benefits of web standards

Very useful podcast & presentation for promoting the benefits of standards

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Freelance Design: Analyze, Strategize or Execute

Video Games and Business: Running a business can be just like playing a video game

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Working with Google Maps

All the techniques you need to incorporate AJAX into your site and use the Google Maps API to best effect

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Create a simple liquid layout

Make a simple but effective liquid layout, which will work across browsers and uses absolute positioning

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Text as more than just words

Cameron Moll explains a case for treating text as an integral part of the user interface

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MySpace to Go Video?

Tired of losing outgoing visitors to YouTube, MySpace has introduced MySpace Video - but how does it look?

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JavaScript and memory leaks

If you're not careful, your JavaScript code may leak memory. This tutorial looks at different leak patterns in JavaScript and how to fix them.

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